4 Google Analytics Mistakes That Lead to Poor Marketing Decisions

Did you know Google Analytics data can actually lead you and your team to make poor marketing decisions?

That probably comes as a surprise considering how I recommend this tool to every business, but it’s true!  If you’re not careful reading your Google Analytics reports, then you could end up drawing the wrong conclusions about what’s working and where you should invest your marketing dollars.

That’s why in this article I’m going to walk through the 4 most common and often costly mistakes businesses make when reviewing their Google Analytics account.

Mistake #1: Reviewing Aggregate Goals

This is a big no-no.

By default, Google Analytics will report on “All Goals” in every report.  That means you’ll see the total number of Goals and the conversion rates based on all of the Goals completed.  This can be extremely misleading!


Simply because all Goals are not created equally.

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