The Five Dilemmas You’d Face As a First-time Employee

Suppose you have just been newly recruited, congratulations! You probably have burning questions about interviews or while you are on the job, questions that you can’t seem to find the answers to, either because you’re not asking the right person or because they aren’t telling you the whole truth.

I’m not a professional recruiter, although I’m not sure if they will be able to help you with your questions either. They are, after all, obligated to their clients, the companies. But bear with me as we look at common dilemmas faced by individuals new to the working environment.

To be honest, you may not find answers here because every one of us has our own set of problems. However, you may be able to take away something from this post, the leverage you need to make the right decision, or at least the kind you are less likely to regret later on.

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