5 Popular Freelancing Advice You Should Ignore

No matter what your freelance niche is, there’s tons of advice out there that’s considered gospel. Just as there’s popular blogging advice that doesn’t always work, there’s popular freelancing advice that doesn’t always work either.

New freelancers begin their career (if they don’t, they should) with research. They perform Google searches, scour tons of popular freelancing blogs to find out what the best freelancing practices are and have lots of conversations with established freelancers about how to start their own freelancing business.

They will probably the same advice from all these sources. Unfortunately, not all of it works, no matter how sound the advice is. Below are some of the popular freelancing advice you’ll come across that makes great sense, but don’t always work.

1. Don’t make your bedroom your office

This is the first advice I heard when I started freelancing.

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