New Website Launch Checklist: What to Look Out for When Launching a New Site

Have you discovered aspects of your website that aren’t up to modern standards? Are you rebranding your business with a new logo and graphics, too?

You’ll want to relaunch your website to ensure your brand elements look cohesive. Relaunching a website is no cakewalk, though. Your website includes frontend elements like your brand colors and user interface (UI), as well as backend elements like analytics integrations and forms. 

To launch your site without hiccups or making any of the biggest SEO mistakes, you need a plan to bring what’s useful from your old site to the new one while ensuring the new design works great. Here’s everything you need to know to successfully make the transition. 

1. Content and SEO Components

Content from your old website is perhaps the most important aspect to carry over. First, if you haven’t done so previously, you’ll want to make a content spreadsheet (sometimes called a content library).

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