10-Minute SEO Test: How To Determine If Your Competitors Are Investing In SEO

Have you ever wondered if your competitors are investing in SEO?  If you knew they were and you’re not, then you may need to start in order to compete long term.  Or, if your competitors are not yet investing in SEO, then that could be a nice opportunity for your business to gain the upper hand.

The problem, of course, is there is no “SEO Badge” that makes it clear which businesses are, or are not, already investing in SEO.  That leaves most businesses playing the guessing game.  In fact, many businesses don’t even know if their own website is set up properly to rank in Google!

How do you know?  Are there any tell-tale signs that a business is investing in SEO?

The good news is that the answer is yes.  The even better news is that anyone with about 10 minutes of free time can determine if a business is investing in SEO.  That’s right, you don’t need any prior technical knowledge.

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